- 未来志向{みらい しこう}の関係{かんけい}を強調{きょうちょう}する
emphasize a future-oriented relationship 意味
- "emphasis upon the role of the community" 意味
- "emphasise" 意味
- "emphasisの複数形" 意味
- "emphasize" 意味
- "emphasize a focus on" 意味
- "emphasize a long-term friendship" 意味
- "emphasize a point" 意味
- "emphasize a word" 意味
- "emphasize a word by printing it in italics" 意味
- "emphasize" 意味
- "emphasize a focus on" 意味
- "emphasize a long-term friendship" 意味
- "emphasize a point" 意味